Members decide which committees to have and who should sit on them at the Annual Business Meeting in May each year.
To consider finances for both Council and Charity; and to make recommendations to full council and charity. Chair, Vice-Chair, Mr Shiels, Mr Thomas, Mr McDonald
Grants Panel
To make recommendations to full council [the charity cannot make grants]:
Vice Chairman, Mr Thomas & Mr Bennett
Planning Matters
To consider & make responses. All Councillors can consider planning applications. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Mr Shiels, Mr Greenhalgh, Mrs Greenhalgh, Mrs Wood Nominees: Mr Tyler, Mr Woodland, Mr Matthews, Mrs Schou, Mrs Moreland
To meet at least annually to consider staffing issues including reviews of staff job descriptions; and to make recommendations to full council. This Committee will normally meet in private: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Mr Thomas & Mrs Greenhalgh
To consider traffic issues in conjunction with local people; to liaise with relevant organisations who have control of road traffic on behalf of the council; and to make recommendatiions to full council where appropriate: Mr Bennett, Mr Sheils, Mr Greenhalgh Nominees Mrs Randall, Mr Tyler & Mr Whitmore
Footpaths monitoring: Nominee Andy Thomson