27th January 2025

Search Woodhouse Parish Council

Woodhouse Parish Council Serving the people of Woodhouse & Woodhouse Eaves

Parish Wardens & Helpers

Parish Wardens are volunteers who help the Parish and the Parish Council.

Archaeology Warden: Mr A J Holmes
The County Council used to consult Archaeology Wardens when planning applications involved land in Archaeological Alert Areas [we have these in both villages] which might uncover or affect archaeological remains. Leics CC no longer makes this arrangement.

Environmental Warden: Cathy Schou
Email: environmental.warden@woodhouseparishcouncil.org.uk

Heritage Wardens: Position Vacant

These wardens are appointed by the County Council to help establish heritage projects, especially those involving local wildlife. They keep in touch with the Leicestershire Local Access Forum. The forums represent interests on public rights of way and countryside access and cover the interests of walkers, cyclists, horse-riders, runners, climbers, landowners, farmers, environmental & conservation groups, people involved in tourism, disabled & disadvantaged groups and public transport users.

Footpaths: Mr A Thomson
Email: LFAChair@gmail.com :

Allotments Manager: Mr Martin Hynard
The Allotments Manager looks after the allotments on behalf of the Council, taking bookings and seeing that the ground is kept tidy. Mrs Linda Winston assists
Email: hynardm@gmail.com

Neighbourhood Watch: Mrs H Horne
The Neighbourhood Watch liaises with Police, local co-ordinators and other 'Watches' such as Countryside Watch and Pub Watch to help keep our Parish safe. Police Crime Support Officer is PCSO Jade Martin. Email: jade.martin@leics.police.uk

Litter Picking: Gemma Andrews / Cherrie Whatmuff
Gemma & Cherrie manages a team of regulars who patrol local roads collecting litter from verges. The litter is mainly empty cans, bottles and fast-food containers dropped by runners or walkers or thrown out of vehicles.

Tree Warden: Maggie Morland
The Tree Warden will take a keen interest in all things to do with trees in the parish and can offer comments on trees that might be affected when the council receives details of new planning applicatiions.
Email: tree.warden@woodhouseparishcouncil.org.uk

Flag flying volunteers: Chris Bennett
We fly flags at the Village Hall on Main Street and at the War Memorial on Church Hill - the list of dates is on the Property page.

Snow Warden: Chris Bennett
Leics CC pays parishes a small sum for snow clearance done by local volunteers - they receive health & safety training and clothing. Contact the PC if you are willing to help.

Bus company liaison: Ann Humphreys
Liaises with bus companies and county council to ensure the provison of timetables, suitable buses, alterations to services

Village pump garden:
Linda Winston & Jo Poultley
maintains the garden around the pump

Traffic Watch: Liz Randall, Karl Cheatham, Ann Irving, Malcolm Whitmore
Fortnightly speed and volume monitoring

Sports volunteers
Football: Vic Tye
Cricket: Peter Ince
Tennis: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BeaconTennisClub/

Annual Parish Award

The Council awards someone a trophy each year "in recognition of a significant contribution to the life of our villages." The trophy was made by Mervyn Greenhalgh when he left the Council in 1996 after being its Chairman. The list of who has been awarded the trophy is below, along with other awards given to local people.


Jo and Hugh McCarthur, dedication to community service

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Gemma Andrews, Plastic Free Group

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


John Gillingham. WHE Cricket Club

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


No award presented due to Covid

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Martin Clark, Woodhouse Newsagent

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Linda Winston, Allotments manager

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Woodhouse Eaves Scout Group

New Scout Hut award

Shanly Fiundation


Ann Humphreys, Bus Services champion

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Pam Crankshaw, Litter-picking volunteers

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Vic Tye

Sportsman of the Year

President's Award

North Leicestershire Football League

Woodhouse Imperial Football Club


Woodhouse Eaves Football Club

Respect Award

Football Association


Junior Allotments and Litter picks

Katie Winston, Imogen Power, Emma Taylor-Clark

Don't Muck Around awards Schools & Young People

Charnwood Borough Council/Serco


Ann Humphreys

Local Heroes award

Loughborough Echo


Mervyn Greenhalgh, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Roundabout magazine production team

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Pam Crankshaw

Don't Muck Around Award

Charnwood Borough Council/Serco


Woodhouse Eaves Scout Group

Achievement Award

Rural Community Council


Woodhouse Eaves Horticultural & Craft Show

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award

Lord Lieutenant


Eric Allsop

Woodhouse Eaves village

Judges award

Bronze award

East Midlands in Bloom

East Midlands in Bloom


Andy Selby

May Day Challenge

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Liz Randall,

Traffic Watch

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Gordon Ambler MBE

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Yvonne Starbuck

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Parish Council website

Best Parish Information

Leics Rural Partnership


Bill Avery

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Les Pole

President's Certificate

Fields In Trust

[National Playing Fields Association]


Les Pole

International Day of Older People

Leics County Council


Iris Brown, Tree Warden

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Woodhouse & Woodhouse Eaves villages

Best Village

Rural Community Council/Calor


Village Design Statements


Charnwood BC Design awards


Emma Pattison, Sam Waters, Sarah Jarvis - Toddlers' Playground Project

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Eric Allsop

Parish Paragon

National Forest


Diane Allsop

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


291 Forest Road


Charnwood Design Awards


Norman James

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Michael Meakin

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


John Palmer

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Robert Rankin

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Rosemary Foley

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Bernard Bryan

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Bill Goodman

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Rev Canon Derek &

Mrs Eileen Buxton

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council


Eric & Diane Allsop

Annual Parish Award

Parish Council

Last updated: Thu, 23 May 2024 10:16