Problem Reporting
You can now report problems to the Parish, Borough and County Councils online.
The Borough is responsible for: Refuse collection and recycling [if you don't have a green wheelie bin and still need bags spares are available from the newsagent next door], Street cleaning, Environmental Health (pest control, stray dogs, food safety), Sports and leisure facilities (Leisure centres, parks, playgrounds), Arts and Culture (Museum, Town Hall, rural tours), Housing, Planning applications, Support for new businesses and new retail development, Watercourses (Not Main Rivers).
The Borough has now a team a Street Wardens who can patrol villages and issue on the spot fines for such nuisances as fly tipping, dog fouling, litter, and abandoned cars. They can be contacted by telephone on 634 563 or email
The County is responsible for Road Signs & Road Lines, Broken drain or manhole covers, Road/Pavement defects, Footpath/Road repair, Overgrown hedges/Verges/Trees, Grass Cutting, Winter Salt/Gritting/Snow Clearance, Blocked gulleys, Other Highways defects. Call Roadline 0800 62 62 03 or follow the link to online reporting forms.
The Parish has more limited responsibilities but you can report anything to the Clerk who can forward to the relevant authority - see the Helpline link on the left of this page
Flooding Advice
Grass Verge Cutting
Leicestershire Councy Council cut grass verges. The link takes you to the main details, where you can choose a village to find precise schedules.
Street Cleaning Schedules
Where and what of waste and recycling
Highway Maintenance Schedules
Information on road works is available from the County Council. Highway Patrols visit regularly to inspect and repair our roads. Report any serious defects or hazards to Roadline on 0800 62 62 03 who can respond to emergencies 24/7.
Highways Event Management form (Excel Spreadsheet, 148 Kb)
Please use this form to alert Highways to your event if it involves use of the roads or pavments, to help avoid clashes with roadworks.