Why do we need to replace the Annexe?
The Annexe sat at the rear of the Village Hall complex and has been in service for many years. Gradually over the years the Annexe required more repairs, and these have been costly. In addition, the building contained asbestos and was not disability friendly. In 2019 The Parish Council along with the Woodhouse Eaves Scout Group agreed that it was time to replace the Annexe with a building that was environmentally friendly, reduce the costs for repair and provide a welcoming and appropriate space for the young people in the village. The Project to replace the Annexe with the Scout & Youth Community Hall began.
How it started
The Parish Council came together with the Woodhouse Eaves Scout Group to plan the project, decide what the building should look like and how to raise funds for the project.
Financing the Project
Funding for the new Scout & Youth Community Hall (Excel Spreadsheet, 13 Kb)
Grant applications have been made to various charitable foundations and we have received a significant amount from Shanleys. Local villagers have got behind the project and a 'Wall of Giving' is underway, where a 'brick' can be purchased. Other friends within the village have made one off donations too. We are very grateful to them as without this support and commitment, the project could not even start.
An Open Day was held to launch the joint project between the Parish Council and Scouts on 20th March 2021. This event was very successful with lots of interest. Following the Open Day, the 'money-pot' began to grow thanks to many generous donations from villagers and pledges from charitable foundations.
The Scout's Treasurer has applied to HMRC requesting charitable status for the Woodhouse Eaves Scout Group which will enable us to claim gift aid from any of our donors who agree, consequently boosting our funds.
Anyone wishing to 'buy a brick' for the 'Wall of Giving' will have their name added to the wall as a token of our thanks. Please contact Mervyn Greenhalgh for more information at mervyngreenhalgh@hotmail.com
The Parish Council ran a consultation from 19th September to 31st October for a proposal to raise £50,000 of the £70,000 commitment from borrowing. This was marketed by using the Roundabout magazine and various notices around the villages. It is proposed to repay the loan over a period of 4 years. The Parish Council has committed also to providing long term support to the new building via The King George's field Charity to ensure this new resource is available to all parishioners indefinitely.
Enthusiastic efforts to fund raise will continue.
What will the building look like?
The new building will have the same size footprint as the existing annex, with an external terrace. This has avoided seeking additional permissions from Fields in Trust, the regulatory body for playing fields. There will also be a covered veranda or all-weather space. The capacity of the building will be like the annexe, with room for 40 people seated at tables and chairs.
The design has also considered the impact on residential neighbours and the other Village Halls, and not be overbearing on its closest residential neighbours in Rawlins Close. Accordingly, the building is single storey height with pitched roof, and will have a timber finish.
Where are we now?
Contract Programme (Excel Spreadsheet, 25 Kb)
The building contract has been signed with Temple Smith Fine Homes and work has started with the demolition of the Annexe. Ground works are underway and it's an exciting process as we watch the activity on site from the car park or playing field. Already there is an amount of liaison with the Clerk, Councillors and the Project Manager, this will make sure we have the building we want, that will add to the life of the village, and we can all be proud of it. The main building works are due to be completed in August 2023.
What happens when the building starts?
There will be disruption, dust and noise as the building progresses. Several spaces in the public car park have been roped off to allow access to the site for deliveries etc. The school path has been diverted to an alternative footpath and around the tennis courts.
The contractors are aware of the disruption that a major building project like this causes and we are working closely with them to ensure this is kept to a minimum, and that our clients and the public are kept safe.
This exciting project, once complete, will be a fantastic asset to the whole village.